Military Projects
Design and Stress analysis of the upper longerons of the BAe Harrier T10 and II+ using fatigue based design allowables for the fastener holes. The analysis was based on a cumulative damage analysis procedure developed at MCAIR.
Stress analysis of equipment attachments mounted in the rear fuselage with particular emphasis on the vibration loads due to acoustics.
Compilation of the T45A stress report for Mc Donnell Douglas for the Upper shear diaphragm from frames 20 to 28. This report detailed the derived internal loads imposed by the engine from which the engine mounting structure was stressed and post buckling analysis conducted on the upper shear diaphragm. Panel shear flows and bar element end loads were provided from the NASTRAN Finite Element Model.
Compilation of the T45A stress report for Mc Donnell Douglas for the integrally machined arrester hook beam structure and buckling analysis of the arrester beam fuselage skin interface. In addition to the NASTRAN Finite Element output an In-house Finite Element Model was employed in the detailed structural analysis of the arrester beams.